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The Unicum Collection consists of 3,165 phototypes of whict 2,896 phototypes were the subject of the Project, following the verification of the Regione Toscana after the purchase of the Alinari Archives. The Collection consists in daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, crystoleum, eburneum, avoriotypes, pannotypes, metallotypes, physionotrace portraits and carbon transparency autotypes collected along thirty years (1987-2017). This is the most important and substantial Italian collection of unicum, produced from 1840 to the early 1900s, from Gem formats to 500x600 mm.frames, from French to Anglo-American mountings, from cases and Union Case to twentieth-century frames, from small albums and pendant settings to bare plates. Italian, European and American authors such as: Vincenzo Amici, Platt D. Babbitt, Alphonse Bernoud, Gioachino Boglioni, Mathew B. Brady, Antoine François-Jean Claudet, Alessandro Duroni, Alhonse Thaust Dodero, Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, Garcin et Meylan, Francesco Gibertini, William Edward Kilburn, Alexis Gouin, cavalier Iller, Carlo Jest, Lodovico Jung, Giuseppe Marzocchini, John Jabez Edwin Mayall, Désiré Françoise Millet, Pierre Victor Plumier, Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg, Jean Baptiste Sabatier-Blot, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey.
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The Unicum Collection of the Alinari Archives owned by the Regione Toscana is part of the project carried out by Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia with the collaboration of Opificio delle Pietre Dure-Ministero della Cultura, Florence "Valorization of the most important Italian collection of daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and ferrotypes from the Alinari Archives", an intervention promoted and supported by Direzione Generale per la Creatività Contemporanea of the Ministry of Culture with the "Strategia Fotografia 2020" call and thanks to the Fondazione CR Firenze.
For the first time in Italy, the project has covered the whole process of conservation, restoration and accessibility of the largest collection of unique photographic objects, with particular emphasis on daguerreotypes produced from 1840 to ca. 1855.
Learn more about the projectRelazione finale: restauro oggetti unici - dagherrotipi Alinari
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